I got my polling card through last week for the European Elections on the 22nd of May, generally I think it has a rather low priority for most people in the UK and I expect that it will have a low turn out. I for one will be voting, as I do in every election. But I do feel that the European election is important, in fact very important and more people should take part in it.
The UK's relationship with Europe and its membership with in it is a political hot topic at the moment and one I certainly have strong feelings about. The rise of UKIP as a force is the EU parliament and possibly even with in the UK parliament by the next election shows that a large percentage of the population has serious issues with the relationship we have with Europe. The Tories of course are traditionally anti EU and have promised a referendum on membership after the next election and one if it happens I would make sure I vote in.
Europe is good for us, the EU is good for us, you only have to skim over the history books a see that peace in Europe has been achieved through the coming together of nations! Peace, Unity and Stability has been achieved and that is in no small part down to the creation of the EU! Much of the resentment towards Europe I feel comes from some historical British feeling of superiority more than anything else. And this is epitomised utterly in the values and ideals of the UKIP party. A party that harks back to the pre-Windrush era, where Britain ruled the waves and Europe was a turbulent, fascist, communist, revolutionary place full of garlic eating, sex mad, wops and frogs! You only have to look at the relative decline of the British National Party and the rise of UKIP to make an educated guess who is supporting them.
I really just don't understand where people are coming from when they decide to vote UKIP!