Friday, 16 May 2014

UKIP Summed Up By Stewart Lee

I think I have spoken about UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) before, their central reason for existing is to withdraw the UK from the European Union. this is something which I am totally against. However over recent years UKIP have gained considerably in popularity, but along with thier valid political position there is a horrid underbelly which is 'nasty'. The party has become (I don't think it started off like this) a group of racist, homophobic bigots! This is generally found in the lower ranks rather than with the likes of Nigel Farage, but their politics is certainly directed and forged with these ideals in mind.

On one of my feeds somewhere I came across this by Stewart Lee (one of my favourite Stand Ups) summing up UKIP.


Nothing I have seen reflects my own thoughts better than this......

Solar Lights, Better Than I Imagined

In an effort to remember that the garden is just not my domain but also my girlfriends I bought some solar lights. Which had been something she had talked about having, I have to say I was not that keen for whatever reason. So I parted with £15 and bought 20 meter length of LED's, simple warm coloured and not shaped like butterflies. The problem with the internet it can show you some very seductive and amazing design pictures and its not always something you can replicate. However on this occasion I am happy with what I have done. The pictures of course can't do it justice, the limitations of smartphone photography at dusk/night are all to plain!