Tuesday, 7 October 2014

We Didn't Start the Fire!

I don't usually look to Billy Joel to reinforce my own perceptions of the world, but when listening to We Didn't Start the Fire and the references of major headlines from his life time its not hard to think t he was right........The world has been burning, since the world has been turning.

When I scroll through my news feed and see all the horror and misery that goes on in the world it makes me feel utterly depressed and any attempt to make a better world the most futile of acts! Well that's how i feel sometimes. In other moments I feel far more positive. 

One of humanities most interesting traits is its diversity, whether that be culture, race or history etc. The very things that make us take pride in our species are the things that cause the misery and horror in our news feeds. I don't know why we humans are built this way? I am sure there is some evolutionary reason for it, after all we are still animals like everything else on this planet. All be it with a brain that can make art and language, break down and understand how are world is constructed and even leave our little oasis Earth and enter the desert of Space. We are animals still. 

What depresses me more than anything is that if we ever (and its a big if) achieve and end to the daily shit and murder, it will mostly come from one homogenizing force! Where we all think and do the same..... Or evolution hurries the hell up and changes us for the better.