Monday, 16 September 2013

Windsor Visit

Just got back from a weekend away in Windsor and what a great weekend it was. I was there for a company gala awards dinner, so it was completely free! As part of the weekend we got to choose a day out, me and my partner chose Windsor and the castle. Being a northern lad trips down south have been rare and have been mostly to London or Cornwall. To be honest up until this weekend I had no idea were in the country Windsor was,I rather vaguely new it was near London.

As expected being a place of Royal residence it was packed with tourists, alot of tourists! So we quickly made our way to the castle and got in before it got to busy. Windsor Castle dominates the skyline and is very imposing structure. It is not a true castle but more a recreation of one, it has all the right bits but it was built to look good that than a defence structure. As you can see from the picture below right in the middle is a little garden where i imagine the Queen goes for a stroll with the corgis.

Don't get in the way of these guys! The do not stop!

Amanda is a Cat Fan and looking to steal the Cat from Windsor Castle

The TOWER, that everyone recognises
After the Castle we took a stroll through Windsor to the Thames, where we realised theat Eton was just across the river! We had no idea it was there and as we usually we do we went of exploring were there seemed to be no tourists at all.

The Thames, Windsor is to the left, Eton to the right.
Dow the road we went and as we hoped we found some Charity shops, Antique Shops and an amazing secondhand book shop where we spent a vast amount of time and some money. I only bought one book, The Penguin History of Latin America though I could have spent a fortune.

After a short walk we got to the famous Eton College, we some only one student in the coat tailed jacket, it is the smartest school uniform you will ever see.

On the way back to Windsor we spotted this sign.....

Deliveries and Casualties in that order!! I don't know if the sanatorium was still a working one, if it is i imagine it is one of few places that still calls itself a sanatorium.

Windsor is worth visiting, the Castle has alot of Art work and some spectacular rooms. The one thing that i noticed while walking around the castle is that i recognised alot of the paintings. Mostly the ones of monarchs that get used on TV and articles. The Richard III one that has been everywhere over the last year was there and of course it was the original. So that was nice! It great to see the original of anything! 

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